Valencia 2012/2013
Thread created by Natalia Szczepankiewicz
— 12 years ago
Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
Natalia Szczepankiewicz
Written 12 years ago
I'm Natalia and I'm going to Valencia on erasmus 2012/2013:) please write and send propositions related with flat and study cause I need help:)
María Pérez
Written 12 years ago
There you are a list with some flats and appartments!
And for study information you should go to the university website.
Hope it helps! ;)
Carmen Ferrando
Written 12 years ago
I've got a room for rent near the town center, in Angel Guimerà. The price is 300 euros per month, all charges included. There are other students in the flat.
If you need more information or see some pictures of the flat and room, please contact me.
Thank you!
Greg Fragnowski
Written 12 years ago
Buscando a los estudiantes de periodismo o comunicación audiovisual :) Empiezo el tercero año en septiembre :)
I'm looking for students of journalism or audiovisual communication :) I begin the third year in september :)
mse gt
Written 12 years ago
Giacomo!!! Yo voy también a estudiar Ingeniería Informática en la UPV, y estoy buscando algún compañero de piso italiano porque estoy aprendiendo italiano!! Tienes ya compañeros?? Baci!!
Esn Valencia
Written 12 years ago
Dear Erasmus Student,
ESN Valencia UPV is the only official association for Erasmus students in Universitat Politècnica de València. The association belongs to a network present in more than 400 universities from all over Europe and depends of the universities and formal authorities such as the European Commission.
In UPV, you will be able to find them in the ground floor of Casa de l'Alumne everyday from 11.30 until 15.00 and every Wednesday and Friday also from 16.00 until 18.30. They organize different groups of activities:
- Cultural Activitites: enjoy special prices to go to Oceanogràfic, Bioparc, Museu Faller...
- Sports Activitites: biking to Albufera, volleyball, football,, paintball...
- One-Day-Trips: getting to know other towns and citites in Valencia area like Requena, Gandia, Xàtiva, Castelló, Cullera, Alcoi, etc...
- Long Trips: Madrid, Oviedo, Barcelona, Andalucía, Ibiza...
- Oher activities: cineforum, tandem program, bailes latinos, etc...
With the ESN Card, you will turn into a member with full right to enjoy all these activities and many other discounts and offers in all Valencia:
- Support for exchange students: information and info desk for anything that an Erasmus would need.
- Lending: bikes and other sports material lending, etc...
- Discounts: check our CityMap discount.
Also discounts from other ESN associations from all over Europe will also apply to you. Find all them at the new webpage
Check our full calendar and pay attention to our Facebook, Twitter and Website to be informed about all our activities.
By other hand, if you are looking for flat or flatemate we give you two options:
- Facebook: check our facebook event to get in contact with all the people that are finding/renting room and talk directly to them.
- HelloFlatMate: the easiest way to rent a room in Valencia, and with the ESN Pack they will pick you up at the airport, take you to your room and give you a movile phone, ESN Activities, and more advantages.... and if you don't like the room, don't worry, you can change it!!! ;)
And remember to get in contact with all the Erasmus students through this two facebook groups:
More information can be found at our Newsletter. Rush to the ESN Office for more information. You can also join our activities and events mailing list here and of course in our Facebook and website
Start your new Erasmus life in Universitat Politècnica de València with Erasmus Student Network!
ESN Team
Showing 1-7 of 7 entries