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Experience in University of Victoria, Canada by Fraser

Generally, what is University of Victoria like?

In general there is a fairly relaxed atmosphere at the school; yet there are still plenty of activities that occur around campus.

What are the facilities like?

The facilities are all in fairly good shape, keeping in mind that it is quite a young school. The grounds are well maintained and the buildings are kept in good working order.

What are the tutors like?

Tutors can vary like most places, but there are plenty of them that you can find if you don't hit it off with one right away. There are tonnes of resources available to enable you to connect with them.

Are the lessons easy in University of Victoria?

The lessons are as tough as would be expected from a university; however as with all universities, there are easy courses and there are hard courses.

Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?

The University organized many different activities across a wide field of interests, they're generally well attended and supervised/organized.

Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?

From the courses I have taken, the teaching has been excellent with profs caring about your success despite the larger class size. It has a small university atmosphere despite the student population.

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