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Experience in University Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain by Qùynh Anh

Generally, what is University Pablo de Olavide, Seville like?

It is chaotic and the classes are more like school instead of university.


What are the facilities like?

They are okay. It is quite an old building.

What are the tutors like?

There are good tutors but, like in every other university, also very very bad ones. The hardest thing is probably understanding their heavy accent.

Are the lessons easy in University Pablo de Olavide, Seville?

Yes they are, because most of the time you just copy from the board or from a power point presentation.


Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?

The Area de Relaciones Internacionales organizes events, normally you can sign in for a trip to another city.

Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?

I am sorry to say that but I would definitely say: NO.

I had four courses and all we did was copying. You have a lot of homework but then again, the teacher does not talk about them in class.

Are there any stories you can share?

Probably the most stupid thing on earth: 50% of the final mark of one course was a portfolio including every homework, exercise and any notes you took in class. Who does these kind of things? You can be a smart student without taking many notes. Some teachers seemed really lazy to me, that's probably the reason why they do not offer exams but rather take home portfolios.


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