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Experience in National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece by Nicole

Generally, what is National and Kapodistrian University of Athens like?

Its a huge university, the biggest in Athens (the capital of Greece). It has a huge campus at Zografou, full of trees and tranquil.


What are the facilities like?

There is the facility of free/ or with 3€ to eat lunch/dinner. The food is delicious and many times includes traditional greek dishes.

What are the tutors like?

Very friendly and useful. Also they answer immediately at emails.

Are the lessons easy in National and Kapodistrian University of Athens?

They are easy, but this doesn't mean that you don't need to read or go to lectures.

Does the University organize activities? If so, what are they like?

Of course. ESN organizes lot of trips at Greece and parties. There is also a big gym at campus with many programs (yoga, pilates, volleyball, ). There is programme with traditional dance, cinema group with free movies 3 days/week, photograph group and of course "Didaskalio" which you can learn any language you want.


Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?

I would give it a 8/10 score.

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