Experience in University of Padova, Italy by Adriano
Generally, what is University of Padua like?
University of Padua is one of Italians biggest universities, the second oldest in the world.
It's a nice place to study, Padova is a comfortable and cheap city for a student, with lot of parks, recreation areas, restaurants and bars, pubs and discos.
Are the lessons easy in University of Padua?
The level of teaching as I said is high and therefore even the lesson are. Of course, I can just talk about my faculty (Chemistry) and more in general Science and Engineering (I had lecture in both fields).
Only a small amount of courses are held in a language different from Italian. So, if you don't speak fluently Italian and you are studying something related to a scientific field, it could be hard to follow. Although, many book suggested are in English and therefore you could study using those.
Does the University organize activities; what are they like?
To be honest the university is not as active as a student would like it to be. It organizes a couple of big parties (which are still not as good as parties you can find around the city), some sport activities for very cheap prices (such as 5euro for a full season sport).
It is more active on the cultural side, where it organize event weekly, international exhibitions and stuff like that.
Do you think the teaching is of a high quality?
The teaching is by far the highest quality I have ever had. I've been studying also in Sweden and New Zealand.
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Comments (2 comments)
Thank you for sharing your experience, it's going to be very useful for me because I'm studying chemical engineering. can I ask you something? Did you live in a residence or in a flat?? how much did it cost?
Hej Claudia,
Sorry for the very late answer.. I can't see when you posted so I answer just in case you may still need my help or someone else in the future!
I have always lived in shared flats and I would totally suggest it!!
The first year I was sharing the flat also with a Spanish Erasmus girl. She used to live in a residence, but then moved and did not regret it. Residences are generally more expensive and sometimes not in the best location.
Concerning costs, I have no idea about residences, but I can tell you about sharing a flat.
When I was studying there (2 to 5 years ago) the prices were as follows (just the room, you then have to consider an extra 40/50€ of bills per month):
- Single bedroom: 170-350€ depending on where you want to live. I was paying 230€, for a large room in Arcella, very close (but not too much!) to the train station.
- 130-250€ shared bedroom.
I would suggest to look for houses either in the center (friends were paying 175€ for a shared room near "il Santo") or in Arcella. Some people say Arcella is not safe, but it's bullshit. It's a safe neighborhood, close to uni, to the station and to the center and moreover it's very cheap!
I hope this can help you and if you have already been in Padova I hope you had a great time!!!