Upload photos of University of Genoa!
If you have photos of University of Genoa or any of its landmarks, the university, sights, views, gastronomy, people, parties, etc... upload your photos to Erasmusu!. Other travellers will see them too.
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Comments (4 comments)
Qué bonita la universidad no!!?? :)
Eso creo que es como el rectorado de aquí, no es la mía :)
Jopé qué bonito! Ojalá el próximo curso, pueda pasear por esos pasillos!! :)
hello, my name melike I'm studying architecture in turkey. I will come with erasmus in italy next term. I'm looking for a place to stay. Home, apart or dormitory. I am very happy if there is a dormitory. I would be glad if you help me. Thank you