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Experience in University of Basel, Switzerland by Martin

Generally, what is University of Basel like?

It is a small faculty spread all over town, a bit difficult - but that goes with good professors.

What are the facilities like?

Science is in mainly new flashy buildings and classics and social science in buildings dating to the 14th century, or the room in which Nietzsche taught.

What are the tutors like?

The assistants are usually great and some professors you can talk to as approachable human beings. Some fellow students are hired as tutors, too.

Are the lessons easy in University of Basel?

No - but as anywhere there is a 50% chance the professor may give you an Erasmus bonus.

Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?

Compared to ma exchange year in Spain, the comparatively small university has a great sports, language and cultural activities list. Especially in the adjoining Germany and France, student activities are more affordable.

Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?

Yes, excellent. They think they are Oxford, Cambridge, Yale or Harvard.

Are there any stories you can share?

The Jesuits try to be missionaries with the Erasmus students, that's awkward. They almost have a monopoly on the few student dorms. There are also several student fraternities

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