Umea, the sunny city?

Published by flag- Pablo — 13 years ago

Blog: Erasmusu in Sweden (Pablo en)
Tags: flag-se Erasmus blog Umea, Umea, Sweden

It is really funny to see how Umea citizens are very proud of the amount of annual hours of sunshine they have. In several touristic information I have always read: “Come to Umea, the city with more than 1800 annual hours of sunshine! ” Ok, it is possible than they have many hours of sunshine but it is badly uneven distributed! For example, in winter the sun rises at 9 h. but at 13 h. it is night. And most of the time, when it is day it is so cloudy that it is like night. Moreover the sun is always so low in the horizon that the rest of buildings always hide the sunlight. On the other hand, in summer the sun rises at 2 am and sets at 23 am! So if you have problems to sleep with lights, buy a very good curtains But if you like to take sunbaths, Umea is your perfect place in summer, when you can be doing it almost 20 h a day! Although be careful with your skin!

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