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Experience at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Italy, by Martina

In general, how is the Università Cattolica del Sacro cuore?

It is really well-organized, the website is good and we can find there all the necessary information, the student way of life is great.

How are the faculties?

They are big and clean. Numerous and spacious. Is is easy to get lost in such a big university.


Is it easy to have good grades at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore?

Yes, I think it is easier to succeed in this University than in others as everything is already organised and planned. One should follow the rules and study. If one knows the professors it is even easier.

Does the university organise activities? If so, what are they like?

There are many activities and you can look for them on the website.

Are the lessons of a good quality?

Yes, they are all very high standard.


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