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Turda Saline

  - 1 opinions

Relax, breath and enjoy

Published by flag-ro Patricia Ioana — 9 years ago

What would you need more thn a day full of fresh air, good walk, healthy area and relax. You can find thid in Turda Saline.The entrance is 3-4 euro and you an stay there as long as you please.Th truth is: it is not my favourite place on earth but when I have to choose a plae here to go with my parents, my broher and my grandma I defntely choose saline Turda. Why?

Because we have plenty of space to walk, to play, to go by boat, to go to spa, to enjoy a goo coffee or to go to church.

Relax, breath and enjoy

It has 3 mines- Rudolg, Terezia and Anton. In total it has more than 3 kilometers of available areas for turists.

This Saline is very famous for its salt. Tones of salt had been find in this place and a lot of peope lost their life working here back in the 70's.

Relax, breath and enjoy

From the bottom of the mine amazing crystal can be admired. It has more 150 crystals sounded by soault, the flor is made by sault and the walls too. A lot of concerts took place there because it has a great acustic and is very helthy for everyone.

In our country the dctors advice people with breath problems to go there every week at leat 4 hours.

Relax, breath and enjoy

Last mounth I heared that there was a bicicle competitionincuriging the children to make sport and leave healthy. 

The most interesting attraction is the wheel.You pay 2 euro and make 3 tours with the weel and see the Saline.Also you can ret a boat and g on the lake. It is lovely!

Relax, breath and enjoy

The entry into saline is very nice Reception is decorated with crystals, The reception is over a Snack sized Bar of which we haven't taken advantage. We pass through a corridor, garnish with different saline with paintings, little snow, etc. go down the 107 stairs and we start to enjoy the view.

The air was deeply and salty.   We're getting to scale wealthy  and we start to go down a flight of stairs. There is a room with ome paintings and an image of Mother God with Jesus Christ, and down further a balcony  name Terezia Mine. 

Relax, breath and enjoy

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