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Experience in Ternopil State Ivan Pul'uj Technical University, Ukraine by Ugorji

Generally, what is Ternopil State Ivan Pul'uj Technical University like?

It's a great school firstly and all your wishes of being great in life can be possible through the school because, people who passed through this school have become something great not just from their country but also worldwide.

What are the facilities like?

They are well equipped just for not being the most popular school in ukraine but i feel it's more natural and organised than some popular cities here in ukraine.

What are the tutors like?

It's great. When coming i was shocked that my teachers could speak 100% good English i never expected that. But most of the schools have called for some information i feel the school speaks more better english and also understands us more both africans.

Are the lessons easy in Ternopil State Ivan Pul'uj Technical University?

I won't just say it's easy but it's really comfortable for all student despite your course because the schedules are all same which is the best part you come to school same time with your friends from different course but see each other after lectures.

Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?

I feel they do but i haven't experienced it yet but most students learning language course has lots of opportunity going around the city and country which is a good experience.

Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?

Yes there is if not, i won't be here to testify.

Are there any stories you can share?

Not really.

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