Experience in University Thomas More, Belgium by Bo
Generally, what is University Thomas More like?
Thomas More Mechelen is a rather small but well equiped university. They offer a high level of education with courses given by experienced teachers who combine teaching with their jobs in the same section.
What are the facilities like?
The university (of Mechelen) is quite basic but in fact you have everything you need. There is a big cantine where fresh food is daily prepared, you are able to use computer classrooms whenever you want, lockers are available for all the students etc.
What are the tutors like?
The tutors are very experienced and well developed in the courses/subjects they teach. Their overall knowledge of English is very good and they are really involved with everything concerning the students. They will help you wherever they can and will provide you all the material and tools you need.
Are the lessons easy in University Thomas More?
Generally, the lessons are very practical. The tutors ask a lot from you, like preparing courses or weekly handing in assignments. The subject material itself is not that hard or of big quantities, you just have to work during the whole semester.
Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?
The school does organize activities such as after school hours seminars where professional speakers are invited to tell you something more about their company or about a certain subject. Attendency is totally up to you and not mandatory. For some courses, you might do trips to other countries in Europe, some of them are mandatory, some are optional.
Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?
I think that the quality of teaching is really good. The teachers expect a lot from you, they are all able to explain everything really well, they offer tutorial hours besides the mandatory hours you already have. They know what they are talking about as almost all of the tutors are still active in worklife, mostly in the sector in what they are teaching.
Are there any stories you can share?
I don't have many stories to share, as my first year was very theoretical, but I want to say that when you work hard and you do what the teachers expect from you, you will easily pass and finish your studies without any problem. I am in my second year of Marketing now and doing Erasmus in Mardid. I am so happy and grateful that Thomas More gave me the chance to have this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
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Comments (1 comments)
hi,I applied and been accepted to thomas more university in Mechelen Belgium, it's a huge move for me since i'm an international student and been asked to deposit a lot of money for the student visa, how is it there ? and should i go for it ? thank you.