
14 of 73 photos


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If you have photos of Tangier or any of its landmarks, the university, sights, views, gastronomy, people, parties, etc... upload your photos to Erasmusu!. Other travellers will see them too.

Comments (1 comments)

  • flag- Traveling In Morocco 10 years ago

    Traveling in Morocco : Moroccan ancient history and culture what do we offer A picture can tell thousand words! All excursion 4x4 drive we do pickups drop-offs air port... That tailors to your needs. Our aim is for you to experience and knowledge of our beloved country. To visit the local Medina and embrace the smells and spices Rona's that lingers in the heat of the sun and the souks. With traditional chanting and a abundance of colors. Or to visit the imperial cities. Or visit the Berbers in the hidden valleys, the Sahara Desert experiencing traditional music and foods, sleeping under the stare's camel Riding, Beach excursion, visiting Essaouirra sea breeze, Oualidia... These are completely flexible, and we can help you build your Moroccan trip. So why not speak to our travel specialist they will help you arrange an itinerary to reflect your needs and wishes. Our aim is for you to have a memorable trip and to take a little bit of Morocco with you.

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