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Cake Artist

  • Company name or name of the person in charge: Väike Ahi OÜ (Kondiiter.ee bakery)
  • Job vacancy: Cake Artist
  • Number of vacancies: 2
  • Salary in €: 6.00 € Hourly

Can you make Elsa from Disney's frozen out of sugarpaste?  We looking for someone with artistic hands who can sculpt sugar figures for cakes out of modeling chocolate, marzipan, and sugarpaste.  We are a well-established American-style bakery in Kristiine area of Tallinn.  Address is Välja 20-2nd floor.  Our international team speaks English and are friendly.  Pay is 6€ per hour.  Minimum 12 hours per week.  Flexible hours within bakery opening times Monday-Friday 11-19 and Saturday 11-15.  Ask for Ketily or Heidi  


6 years ago

Tags: flag-ee Student Jobs Tallinn, Tallinn, Estonia

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