18-year old man looking for people to share a flat with

  • Move in date: 25 October 2020
  • Minumum stay: 8 months

I'm an 18-year old man from Sweden who just graduated, and I'm now looking to move to Stockholm to get away and broaden my horizons. 

I am a positive and social person who likes to read, cook, and play videogames. I'm interested in bodybuilding and history. I smoke cigars from time to time but not on a daily basis.

I can't afford to live on my own and have always wanted to live with people my age, so why not kill two birds with one stone. I'm looking for someone who is social and outgoing and reasonably orderly. Pets and smoking is not a problem, but I'm not looking for someone with kids.

Feel free to send a message if you we are compatible :)

We have 6 accommodations in Stockholm

About me / us Things that my roommate should have
Gender 1 boy Not specified
Age 18 18 - 23
Occupation Other Not specified
Smoker Yes Not specified
Partying Yes, but moderate Yes, but moderate
Pet No Not specified

3 years ago

Tags: Flatmates Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

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