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  • Gamle Stavanger

    Gamle Stavanger can be translated as Old Stavanger. It is an old, historic neighbourhood in the city centre of Stavanger. All buildings were build at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. You can expect all kinds of cute, cozy, tight paths...

    0 , in What to see Stavanger, 6 years ago
  • Sverd i Fjell

    Sverd i Fjell, an approximately 9 meter high monument, featuring 3 huge swords. It was created in 1983. The biggest sword represents a king, the other two his opponents, I have been told. The swords are a sign of peace, and the location symbolizes that as well. The...

    0 , in What to see Stavanger, 6 years ago
  • Vaulen Beach

    Vaulen Beach, a beach located in Vaulen, close to Stavanger and close to a train station. It is truly beautiful and so peaceful! When standing and sitting on the beach, you have views over the water and over a lot of fjords. A lot of hiking trails are connected to this...

    0 , in What to do Stavanger, 6 years ago
  • Groovy Stavanger

    In Stavanger, near the harbour, an old fashioned, american styled cafe is located. It is called Groovy Stavanger, and it offers all kinds of american styled drinks and food. From milkshakes, to burgers, to hotdogs. It is really good food and drinks, for a reasonable...

    0 , in Where to eat Stavanger, 6 years ago
  • Bøker og Børst

    Cozy café where you can enjoy the "colour street" in the front, the good atmosphere inside or in the cute courtyard. The atmosphere is always good especially with your friends and a boardgame. This place is really something to visit, not crowded by tourists. One of the...

    0 , in Cafe, cocktail, beer Stavanger, 8 years ago

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