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Experience in Sittard, Netherlands

Published by flag-nl Wilco van der Sluis — 8 years ago

0 Tags: flag-nl Erasmus experiences Sittard, Sittard, Netherlands

What is it like to live in Sittard? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

the city center is always fun to go to many different bars there, furthermore there are a lot of yearly events planned on the city square, and its easy to meet new people.

How much does it cost to live in Sittard?

depending on where you go, you can get a cheap room between 200-350 or one for 400 however with the latter you will be able to retrieve rent subsidy from the government if im not mistaken

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Sittard? Is there any advice you can give?

start on time

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Broodje limburg @ broodje bufkes

What places would you recommend visiting in Sittard?

Foroxity movie theatre , stardust bowling, KFC ofcourse.

Is it good to eat out in Sittard? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

there are many restaurants throughout sittard which are not expensive and serve good food however there are also michelin star restaurants

Is the nightlife good in Sittard? Where is good to go?

Café bloem

What advice would you give future students heading to Sittard?

parties friday and saturdays

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