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Experience in Shumen, Bulgaria by Elena

Published by flag-bg Elena Stoyanova — 4 years ago

0 Tags: flag-bg Erasmus experiences Shumen, Shumen, Bulgaria

What is it like to live in Shumen? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Well, Shumen is the 10th largest city in Bulgaria approximately (80 000 population). It is situated in the North-eastern part of the country, Madara Rider (enlisted in the UNESCO World Heritage List) is quite near 18km, Shuuen is not far away from the sea (about 90 km from Varna).
P.S. currency in Bulgaria lev (1euro = 2 lv)

What is the student lifestyle like in Shumen?

Well, there is a university, mainly local students. There are dorms and I think they are cheap, but I have never been there.

How much does it cost to live in Shumen?

Almost everything is cheaper than in Sofia - a cup of coffe is usually less than 1 euro(1-1,50 lv) . A beer in a bar is 2-3 euros (4-6lv). A liter of milk is about 1 euro (2 lv). A bottle of wine is 5-25 euros it depends. A bottle of water 1.5l is less than 1 euro. A ticket for the bus is 0,50 euro (1 lv)

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Shumen? Is there any advice you can give?

Honestly I have no idea, it is my hometown, I have never looked for a place to rent there.

What places would you recommend visiting in Shumen?

Madara Rider (UNESCO world heritage site) - in the nearby village Madara - 10 minutes by car
Founders of the Bulgarian State Monumen - nearby the city - you have to walk 1300 stairs to go there - some locals walk it every day as a part of their healthy lifestyle. Or you can go by car.

Is the nightlife good in Shumen? Where is good to go?

I don't think so. There are a some night clubs but I doubt that the stuff there speak English. Only 2-3 places are ok.

What advice would you give future students heading to Shumen?

Well, Most of the people there are Bulgarians but thre are also Turks (15%) and Roma population. Quite a few people here speak properly English, middle aged and elderly speak Russian, some people might speak German/Spanish. Bulgarian and Turkish are most common languages here.

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