Every 2 fridays the University of Sheffield Ceilidh Society organises ceilidhs (live folk music parties, as in the dancing scene in Titanic) during the term time! No experience in folk dance is needed, since they always have a person (caller) who guides everyone through the steps of the dance before the dance begins. You can also go alone if you don't find anyone to go with, because they are very friendly and you can dance with anyone there! (Even some couples dance together just a few of the dances, because the custom is to change partners after every dance). Confortable clothes are recommended and lots of happiness to share with everyone! :D
It doesn't matter if you are a bad dancer, because the steps are mostly to do with the hands (instead of with feet), and the aim of the night is to have a great time meeting awesome people!
Prices are quite cheap for a ceilidh (usually 10-15 pounds in festivals):
£2 - Members (20:30-21:00)
£3 - Members (21:00-00:00)
£4 - Non-members (Anytime)
£5 - Membership + current ceilidh
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