19 year old girl with friend, looking for accomodation in Rotterdam

  • Move in date: 1 August 2024
  • Minumum stay: 6 months

We are looking for another girl to split an apartment with us. Our budget is around 800 each, but we are flexible. We are looking at an apartment right now that is €2,250 per month from August to December because she is just staying until then, but I am going to be staying in Rotterdam until June. Let me know if you are interested in staying with us until December, and maybe we could look for an apartment from January until June!

We have 11 accommodations in Rotterdam

About me / us Things that my roommate should have
Gender 1 girl 1 girl
Age 18 - 20 18 - 99
Occupation Student Student
Smoker Yes Yes
Partying Yes, but moderate Yes, but moderate
Pet No No

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