Erasmusu Staff
Written 4 years ago
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Rome 2021 / 2022!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Rome in 2021 / 2022 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Rome, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Rome
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Rome
- The general forum for Rome
- The blog Erasmus Rome
- What to see in Rome, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Rome
- People who have been, are and will be in Rome
- A photo gallery of Rome
- The map and weather in Rome
- The universities in Rome
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Rome or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Rome.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Iria CE
Written 4 years ago
Hello! I'm Iria, I'm from Santiago in Galicia, Spain and I will be studying journalism in Rome (LUMSA) next year :)
Alba Clemente
Written 4 years ago
Hello!! i'm Alba and i study Mathematics in the UPV/EHU University from Bilbao, Spain. I'll be studying in La Sapienza, Rome the first Semester of 2021/2022.
Alba Clemente
Written 4 years ago
Hello!! i'm Alba and i study Mathematics in the UPV/EHU University from Bilbao, Spain. I'll be studying in La Sapienza, Rome the first Semester of 2021/2022.
I' m looking for roommates from other countries , as well as from Spain , in order to share Languages and experiences together.
Contact me if you are interested so that we can look for an apartment and more roommates together:)
Belén Gutiérrez
Written 4 years ago
Hi!! :))) I´m Belen, I´ll be studying advertising and marketing next year in LUMSA and i´m also looking for roommates from other countries.
I would like to learn about other cultures and languages. I can speak english and italian, so i would love to take advantage of this experience and practise this languages (especially italian which i love <3).
I would like to look for an appartment near to my university so (if you study there or in another nearby universities like la sapienza), i would love you to talk me so we could search together!
Anyways i hope we meet each other and enjoy this experience!
Jawad Ahmed
Written 4 years ago
This is Jawad and I am doing a Master in Fashion Studies at La Sapienza.
Currently, I'm in Roma and I also looking for a roommate from other countries!
I am a sociable person and try to experience new things and cultures. I would love to find something closer to Sapienza, Piazza Bologna or Termini! If you are interested kindly get back to me.
Maria Rodrigo
Written 4 years ago
HI!! I'm Maria and I'm studying Economy at University of Valencia, Spain. I'll be studying the first Semester of 2021-2022 at UNIVERSITÁ EUROPEA DI ROMA (Italy), and I would like to meet someone to share this experience!! :)
Ainoa Martínez
Written 4 years ago
HI! I'm Ainoa and I'm studying Business Management at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain. I'll be studying the first Semester of 2021-2022 at “LUISS - Libera Universitá Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli” in Rome. I’m willing to live this new experience and meet new people!
Lucía Mendoza
Written 4 years ago
Hi!! I'm Lucía and I'm studying Sociology at UPNA, Pamplona, Spain. I`ll be studying the first Semester of 2021/2022 at Sapienza Universita di Roma, Italy, and I would like to meet new people to share this experience!!
Diogo Nunes
Written 4 years ago
Hey! I'm Diogo from Portugal and will be studying at LUISS in Rome the first semester of 2021/2022. I would like to share a flat with other erasmus students so send me a message if you are interest in that as well!
Leyre Vicent
Written 4 years ago
Hello ! I'm Leyre and I'm studying Translation and interlinguidtic mediation at University of Valencia, Spain. Next year I will be studying at UNIVERSITÁ DEGLI STUDI INTERNATIONALI DI ROMA, UNINT (Italy), and I would like to meet someone with whom I could share this experience!! :)
Inés Aldana
Written 4 years ago
Hi! I'm Inés from Barcelona, Spain. I'm currently studying Business Administration at Pompeu Fabra University. I'll be attending LUISS Guido Carli during the second semester of 2021/2022. I'm very excited to meet new people as well as someone who would like to share a flat (if possible around the university area) :)
Andrea García
Written 4 years ago
I'm Andrea and I'm from Bilbao, Spain. Currently I'm studying Sports Science in Deusto University and I will continue to study it in the first semester in The university of Rome.
I'm looking for roommates!
Mabel Schoen
Written 3 years ago
Hi guys,
My name is Mabel and I'm from the Netherlands. I will be starting my masters at La Sapienza in september, so i'm looking for some fun roommates to share a flat with.
I love to travel, party, go sightseeing, and meet new people. I'm an openminded and extraverted person, but also i'm also comitted to my degree. I would love to share an international flat with people that are also looking for a balance between having fun and studying. Let me know if this is also something you are looking for!
Sara Gonçalves
Written 3 years ago
Hey there!
I'm Sara from Portugal and I'll be studying Medicine at La Sapienza, Rome in the first semester of 2021/2022. I'm looking forward to meeting new people and get to know new cultures while embracing the Erasmus experience :) I'm also looking for fun roommates to share an affordable place!
l owen
Written 3 years ago
Hello, I'm Rym from Morocco , I'll be joining La Sapienza the upcoming semester as an Exchange student in Architecture.
I'm fun, outgoing, friendly, sociable (when I want to lol) but at the same time I enjoy my alone quiet time. I also speak Arabic, French and ofc english. I'm Excited to make new friends and discover Rome.
Meanwhile I'm looking for accomondation, to share a flat, or a studio... ( doesn't matter as long as it's a 1 private bedroom + 1 private bathroom) with another female student. If there is anything you should know about me is I am clean, and organized. A messy environment can upset me sometimes.
other than that, swear i'm normal haha.
Ramzi Clamp
Written 3 years ago
salam I'm khawla from morocco I'm 25 year old I'm searching for a room to rent as soon as possible (sharing house ). ❤️ have A nice day sis