Erasmus experiences Politechnika Warszawska
Experience in Polytechnic University, Warsaw, Poland by Shubham
Generally, what is Polytechnic University, Warsaw like? I can say its a hub of knowledge of all fields and different cultures.What are the facilities like? Good well maintain labs.What are the tutors like? It depends on individual prof.Are the lessons easy in...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Experience in Polytechnic University, Warsaw, Poland by Biedronka
Generally, what is Polytechnic University, Warsaw like? Most of Polish people respect this university because to enter to this university is really hard and also to graduate. Source What are the facilities like? Unfortunately some of these are old but they are kept...
0 0 , 11 years ago -
Crazy Poland
Warsaw Warsaw Warsaw! I think it is one of the best city in the world for student people! A very huge erasmus group is there with a party everynight! Everything is cheap and people are so nice with foreigners! I just Love Poland and if u go there u will too! So go, join...
0 0 , 11 years ago