Erasmusu Staff
Written 7 years ago
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Prague 2018 / 2019!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Prague in 2018 / 2019 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Prague, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Prague
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Prague
- The general forum for Prague
- The blog Erasmus Prague
- What to see in Prague, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Prague
- People who have been, are and will be in Prague
- A photo gallery of Prague
- The map and weather in Prague
- The universities in Prague
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Prague or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Prague.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Marga Segovia
Written 7 years ago
Hi everyone!
My name is Marga and I'm going to study psychology in Charles University.
I am looking forward to meeting adventurous people.
I want to do plenty of things such as travelling, go partying, meeting people from different cultures... Live this experience to the fullest.
If you want to, we can open a group!
Next year is going to be amazing.
Written 7 years ago
Hola!!! Me llamo Inma y estudio en la universidad de Sevilla y voy a Praga el curso completo (2018/2019) a Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
Me gustaria conocer a alguno/a de vosotros/as para poder hablar sobre el papeleo necesario y las cosas que hay que llevar.
Va a ser increible!!
Mattia Passariello
Written 7 years ago
Hi! I'm Mattia and I'm a student of Languages and Literature (English and Spanish) at the University Federico II, in Naples. I would like to meet new people and exchange info about study programmes, places to live and things to see. I hope to find a group of people to share all of this with!
Joana Azeiteiro
Written 6 years ago
Helloooo! My name is Joana, I'm from Portugal and I am going to study International Relations and European Studies at the Metropolitan University of Prague from October until January.
I am really looking forward to meeting you all, to travel a lot and to get to live "la vida Erasmus" at its fullest!
Alexia Poidevin
Written 6 years ago
Hello everybody,
I am French and going to do an Erasmus in Prague from October (next semester). I would love to meet other Erasmus who are going at the same time, and why not become roomates (I didn't find any flat yet). So you can send me a private message and we can keep in touch till we meet in Prague!
Alexia Poidevin
Written 6 years ago
Check my post, I am searching for a flat with Erasmus roommates from late September 2018 to february 2019:
Paloma Galán
Written 6 years ago
Hello! My name is Paloma Galán. Im currently studying Law and Business Administration in Madrid and I will be going next winter semester (late september 2018 untill late january 2019) to VSFS University!
I look forward to meeting you!
Irene Errarte
Written 6 years ago
Hi! My name is Irene and I will be studying Biomedical Engineering in Czech Technical University in Prague for the whole year 2018-2019. I hope to share this experience with you all!
Louis Maxwell
Written 6 years ago
Hi guys,
I'm a Film student from Dublin, Ireland and will be studying In FAMU. I'm looking for people to get accomadation and to hang out with. Feel free to message me. I'm also looking for a job while over there, if anyone knows anything about jobs, let me know.
Guilherme Fernandes
Written 6 years ago
Hi im portuguese im 20 and looking forward for this adventure!
Im still looking to find roomates/flatmates! If you are also looking for it, hit me up.
Κώστας Σταυρουλάκης
Written 6 years ago
Hello Everyone!
I will go to the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, for the winter semester 2018-2019. I am looking forward to having great times and share this experience with all of you.
See you!
Marta Fernández
Written 6 years ago
Hello! My name is Marta and I will be studying Civil Engineering at CTU the whole course. See you!
CeCe Eke
Written 6 years ago
My name is CeCe and im moving to prague for the year, starting septmeber, from the UK to study at Charles University,
Still looking for roomates/room & job and to meet any people starting this journery too,
Hope to meet some of you out there xo
Matilda Butler
Written 6 years ago
My names Matilda, i'm from Cornwall, UK and moving to Prague this september to study film and photography at FAMU for the autum semester..
Looking for a housemate/room available so if you're interested get hold of me!! Need somewhere to live aaa
I'm really excited about the move and can't wait to explore the city and meet new people
Hope to hear from some of you guys! x
Laura Schiavenin
Written 6 years ago
Hey there! My name is Laura, I’m from Brazil and I’m so happy to say that I’m coming to study the second Semester (Jan – jul) in Prague, at MUP. To get the student visa, I’m going to have to prove that I have accommodation for the whole time I’m living there (It's so hard to do that from a computer almost at the other side of the world!!), and I’m looking for flatshares between Prague 3, 9 and 10. If you will also be in Prague the same time and is looking for Flatmates in the same area, contact me! I'm looking for to this amazing adventure.
Luca de
Written 6 years ago
Hi I am an italian student of economics from Rome. I am going to Charles University in september for an erasmus experience during the first semester. I am looking for an apartment near to the center and I would like to find mates who want to share it with me. I am a neat person who cares about living in a clean place, I am active, cheerful, friendly, extroverted, I like to have fun and enjoy my experience in the best way is possible. if you are interested please contact me
Andrew Olie
Written 6 years ago
Hello Everyone,
My name is Andrew and I'll be going to study at Czech University of Life Sciences. I am would be needing a job as well as a good apartment to stay for the period of one year.
I look forward to meeting new people.
jorg Gar
Written 6 years ago
Hello Guys!
My name is Jorge and Im going to start my erasmus the next semester in September. But im already living in Prague. so hit me up if someone of you are already here to hang out.
Noé Vetu
Written 6 years ago
Hello there!
I'm Noé, a french guy from Lille in the north, arriving to Prague 1st of October to start a new job and a new adventure after my 5 years of studies in France.
I'm looking for a flatsharing quite close to the city center, I will work near the metro stop Flora. I would like to live with international people.
I already lived 6 months abroad, in Budapest, with 2 german girls and it went well.
I'm a traveler, I love football, history, sports in general, TV shows, beers (and many other things actually).
I like to discuss with many people to learn about their culture, way of living, country etc.
I'm an introvert, calm and relaxed person but I like to talk and have fun, to party.
If you have anything to propose me (flat, room in a flatsharing or whatever), feel free to contact me.