Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!


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hola chicos!! por lo visto soy la única que se va a estudiar bellas artes a poznan...me llamo tamara, tengo vente años y soy gallega, de pontevedra. estoy interasada en TODO! jajajaja, enserio, me encantaría que me tuvieseis informada de como van las cosas allá, si es mejor piso o residencia, como es la fiesta, la gente, el idioma, etc....

un saludo a todos!! por cierto, cuanto cordobés en poznan ehh jajajaja, va a molar mucho!! ^^

hello. I was in Poznan in 2010.. The city is Amazing!! Eu sou Portugês.. estudei Nutrição na universidade de Life Science in Poznan. Estive 4 meses no dormitório de poznan.. como se fosse uma mini aldeia de estudantes onde todos se encontram e se cruzam diariamente.. tens mercado muito perto.. tram a 5 minutos de casa.. e as condições são optimas!! Fiesta todos os dias e todas as residencias.. são 3 residencias.. podes ir a todas.. ahahah!!! o idioma és o pior de tudo.. contudo a lingua do amor é universal!! eheheh aproveitalo bien!!! melhor sorte.

Hi everyone!

For those who don’t know us, I’d like to introduce you to Erasmus Student Network organization. It exists to integrate Erasmus students all over Europe – with each other, as well as with their host country colleagues.  Every country, every city and every university that participate in the Erasmus program has its own section.

I’m writing especially to those of you who came as Erasmus students to Poznań University of Economics and I would like you to present our recently created blog, where you can find some useful information about Poznań, the University and of course about ESN and what we do J

This blog is for you – if something is bothering you, if you want to ask about anything whatsoever concerning our organization or studying in Poznań , or simply being an Erasmus in Poland, and you don’t know who can help you just post a comment and ask and we will try to provide you with all the necessary information. We would also be happy if you could share with us your experiences and expectations.  Every kind of feedback is welcomed, so feel free to comment!


Hola! yo tambien soy estudiante de Bellas Artes de Pontevedra y solicitaré la beca erasmus para el próximo curso, estoy interesada en Poznan, pero no encuentro mucha información a cerca de mi carrera en esa ciudad, agradecería información

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