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Experience in Peking University, China by Jie

Generally, what is Peking University like?

The environment in PKU is very nice. Students there can freely express their opinions. Most of the teachers there are very qualified and strict. There are overall many activities, summer camps, exchange programmes, visiting experience. Students are very outstanding and ambitious.

What are the facilities like?

Law school is TOP 1 in China. We have very rich teaching resources. Working staff there are very efficient and nice. It is a very equal environment and we have a lot of international students.

What are the tutors like?

They are very responsible for the teaching. Tutors are very kind-hearted in helping with your study and life in PKU. They are the most experienced ones in China in scholarship.

Are the lessons easy in Peking University?

All most all the lessons are Chinese except for the international students programmes. They are fairly difficult but not too hard for students with great endeavors.

Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?

Yes, student unions, summer schools, bilateral cooperations between universities all over the world, field researches in China and celebrations on Camps, and so on.

Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?

Yes, we have great teaching groups and we invite foreign scholars to give lectures or as visiting professors. Teachers here are encouraged to do research abroad.

Are there any stories you can share?

No, thanks.

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