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Share your passion of English !

  • Company name or name of the person in charge: Les Petits Bilingues
  • Job vacancy: Share your passion of English !
  • Number of vacancies: 3
  • Salary in €: 14.00 € Hourly

Les Petits Bilingues, national leader in teaching English to children, is recruiting English bilingual speakers!

Your role : open to the world young French kids and share your enthusiasm for English culture !

It's the happiest tutoring job with the cutest kids

Working hours :

- Wednesday 9h-12h and14h to 17h

- Saturday from 9h30 to 12h30

- Possibility to have evening availability from 16h30 - 18h

With Les Petits Bilingues, we believe in career opportunities. You will be offered hours according to your schedule, availabilities and experience. You can initially start with a few hours per week and then become one of our best Teachers (15 to 20 hours a week).

- We are looking for dynamic, highly reliable and motivated people who like working with children.

- Materials provided, no workshop-prep necessary.

- Must have a perfect English accent and level and ability to lead English workshops full of activities, songs and crafts.

- You must be an EU citizen or have a permit to work in France.


3 years ago

Tags: flag-fr Student Jobs Paris, Paris, France

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