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Babysitting jobs in Paris : Culture Advance organizes an open house

  • Job vacancy: Babysitting jobs in Paris : Culture Advance organizes an open house
  • Number of vacancies: 250
  • Salary in €: 11.00 € Hourly

Babysitting jobs in Paris : Culture Advance organizes an open house

If you are a student looking for a babysitting position in Paris/Suburb, come and have fun with us as we will hold an open house on Monday 27th August 2012, on wednesday 29th August 2012 and on Friday 31th August between 10. am and 1.pm and between 3.pm and 5.pm in our office with a Resume.

To find us, go to 77, rue de Charonne 75011 Paris (Metro Charonne ligne 9). Take the stairs and go to the first floor.

Culture Advance
77, rue de Charonne
75011 Paris



12 years ago

Tags: flag-fr Student Jobs Paris, Paris, France

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