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Meeting point for international students who will study at NEGOCIA

I will study in the spring semester of 2012 at NEGOCIA! Is there anyone else who will be there at that time?

I will also (most likely) be joining Negocia at the beginning of January! I have been having some administrative desagreements with the staff there, and am still waiting for my official acceptance!! Are you in the French or English speaking program?

I will study in English. And the semester will start on 1st February. I hope to see you there! :)

I'll be studying in English as well. The only information I have been given so far is the information that my University here in Finland has..which means I only got old informatin :D but what can you do. France is France, with it's burocracy and all. Have you already found an appartment?

I haven't yet... But the coordinator at Negocia said that they will look for one. I really hope they will find an appartment soon, it's not easy to find one in Paris...

Showing 1-6 of 6 entries


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