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Mature student female looking for somewhere to stay in Paris

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Dear People,

I am a Scottish mature student and I am studying French Studies at the London Insitute of Paris.

I have my own flat in London and study 4 half days a week in Paris and commute back and forth to London. 

I am back in Paris on the 5th of October and looking for somwhere for 6th October-12th December.

I am very clean, houseproud, responsible non smoking vegatarian.  I prefer female flat share, family or a studio.  Maximum I can pay is 500 Euros a month.  I can speak some French if you wish.

Thank you for reading and genuine replies appreciated.


I am 28 year old female looking to be in paris for Semester at Sorbonne from February to May. Please contact me i am also looking for room in central paris. Looking forward to meeting people and exploring.

Showing 1-2 of 2 entries


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