Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

looking for room and roommate from october to january 2010-2011

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries



I\'m Marijke, student at the artschool \' La Cambre\' in Brussels. Next month my erasmusprogram in Paris starts and I STILL COULDN\'T FIND A ROOM !!! I\'ll be staying in Paris 4 to 6 months, from october till the end of january. If someone can help me out or knows someone who is in the same situation, don\'t hesitate to contact me !! You can rent appartements in Paris for two, three, four, ...months for +/- 900 euros/ month. With two this is possible !! :) bye xx marijke

i saw your advert and i think we can go on well, I have a decent apartment in a quite area in Paris, Well if you are interested do let me know and contact me on my personal email adddress. [email protected]. I will be expecting your reply soon.


i´m looking for roommates in Paris from January to May 2011 !!!
please let me know if you know something!


Yes i have an apartment in Paris.you can email me on [email protected]. I will be expecting your reply soon.

please if anyone´s interested contact me
[email protected]

see ya!

Hi marijke,
I would recommend the room pages in the internet. The rent-a-couch programme could be an alternative, too.
I participated in that programm when I was in the U.S. Getting the green card was a long process.
Have a nice time in Paris.

I m looking for a room in Marne la vallee (35 minutes drive from Paris) From May to July 2011 can anybody help me?


Showing 1-7 of 7 entries


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