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Erasmus blog Oviedo

  • Eleventh Erasmusugle. East London German settlers memorial, South Africa

    Oh shit! One month without Erasmusugleee! Sorryyyyy. I bring you a new photo, I think it's very difficult. First clue: Source Good luck!

    0 , 13 years ago
  • Nineth Erasmusugle. Parliament of Australia

    Today we will travel to a faraway place where we can find this: What and where is it? Today I have already said two clues! Good luck!

    0 , 13 years ago
  • Eighth Erasmusugle

    I think this picture is not going to guess. It is very difficult. To say it is an island, as seen in the picture. What island it is? First clue: the island is very lost, and is not related with the serie. Tomorrow more. Second clue: the island belongs to British...

    0 , 14 years ago
  • Seventh Erasmusugle. Atlanta International Airport

    Today the photo it's about a very big, busiest airport in the world! Where is it? Good luck!

    0 , 14 years ago
  • Sixth Erasmusugle. Coronado Beach. San Diego

    I'll be evil this time... Is half of a picture, I think it is difficult, or not... ok, what and where is it? You can read CORO... Good luck! Seconds clues: it's in California as well Rosa said and the picture is not complete yet, something is missing to complete the...

    0 , 14 years ago
  • Fifth Erasmusugle. Southampton

    The last picture nobody has guessed. Today the picture had a trick, is it a river or the sea? What city is it? Tomorrow next clue Third clue: It's in England and a disastrous travel started here...

    13 , 14 years ago
  • Fourth Erasmusugle. Romanian Athenaeum in Bucharest

    Yesterday I posted a difficult photo but a easy clue. Today I post only a building, in what city is? First clue: it's in a capital of a country with a coastline on one side

    14 , 14 years ago
  • Third Erasmusugle. Budapest

    Today it's very easy again xD The main clue is:;Two cities in one; Good luck!

    5 , 14 years ago
  • Erasmusugle ranking!!

    After 5 Erasmusugles this it's the first ranking: In First place Rosa (first Erasmusugle: Paris) Roberto (second Erasmusugle: Milano) Pablo (third Erasmusugle: Budapest) and Loh (fifth Erasmusugle: Southampton)Pd. / One photo (number 4) is missed So... nobody wins! :p

    0 , 14 years ago
  • Second Erasmusugle. Milán

    Which city is it? This picture is not as easy as the previous one :p First clue: The country it's surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. Italy Second clue: Second photo posted! Third clue: it's a very ; fashionable; city Good luck!

    16 , 14 years ago
  • The first Erasmusugle. Paris

    It's very easyyyyyyy! I have had an idea! I'll cut the aerial photo of city into three smaller parts and then I'll make a mosaic with them.

    6 , 14 years ago
  • Presentation and instructions

    My first game is to find cities through mysterious photos. Now the thing is a bit more complicated. I hope that you love Google Maps/Earth because I'll put;bird's eye view; photos of cities and you have to find which city is. I'll cut the aerial photo of the city into...

    4 , 14 years ago

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