Upload photos of Murcia!
If you have photos of Murcia or any of its landmarks, the university, sights, views, gastronomy, people, parties, etc... upload your photos to Erasmusu!. Other travellers will see them too.
Upload photos →If you have photos of Murcia or any of its landmarks, the university, sights, views, gastronomy, people, parties, etc... upload your photos to Erasmusu!. Other travellers will see them too.
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Comments (4 comments)
Javier López 15 years ago
Muy buena esta foto de la catedral.
Clotilde Cloclo 15 years ago
Gracias =)
José María Cano Martínez 15 years ago
Clotilde Cloclo 15 years ago
Voy a convertirme en fotografa con tantos cumplidos ! =D