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Erasmus Experience in Mulhouse, France by Sandrine

Why did you choose to go to Mulhouse, France?

I chose Mulhouse because of its location.

In this way, I was not only able to discover the beautiful Alsace but also Switzerland and the south of Germany at a low cost!

Erasmus Experience in Mulhouse, France by Sandrine


How long is your stay for? How much aid do you receive?

I've been in Mulhouse since the beginning of January and will stay until mid-May. I have an interview at a translation agency soon, where I'd like to do an apprenticeship. I will therefore perhaps prolong my stay until the end of July.

I receive the 'Auslandsbafög' and the Erasmus grant. The two together are enough to live here. What's more, there is also the possibility of receiving a CAF housing benefit.

How is student life in Mulhouse?

The student atmosphere is good. However I spend most of my time with other Erasmus students or au-pairs.

Would you recommend the city and the university of Mulhouse to other students?

Yes, I recommend doing a semester here because Mulhouse has a really excellent location, even if it's not the prettiest city in Alsace.

How is the food in the country?

As I come from Germany, there isn't much difference.

Did you have any difficulty in finding accommodation in Mulhouse?

No, I looked and found a room with internet. Otherwise, you can contact CROUS, who offer rooms in student houses.

How are living costs in Mulhouse?

Food especially is expensive and rent too.

How is the learning of the language? Did you go to any language courses organised by the university?

Yes. I attended two language courses organised by the university, where I met other Erasmus students from Germany, Spain, Morocco and other countries.

However, I thought it was more thanks to my day to day use that I was able improve in the language.

What is the most economical way of getting to Mulhouse from your city?

The most economical way for me was by car as my dad brought me here. Otherwise, I take the train.

Which places would you recommend to go out and party in Mulhouse?

I've not really partied here but there are bars like Le Carré that I would recommend. Otherwise, there are many bars and clubs in Basel (Switzerland). There, there is without a doubt more of a possibility of partying. It only costs 3. 30 euros with the Carte Jeune that you can buy at Mulhouse train station. It's great!

And to eat in Mulhouse? What are your favourite places?

There is a restaurant offering Asian and Alsatian specialities on the top floor of the 'Tour de l'Europe' at the Porte-Jeune station. I haven't been there yet but I would like to do so before I go back to Germany.

Erasmus Experience in Mulhouse, France by SandrineTour de l'Europe


And what cultural visits do you advise?

There are museums you can visit here in Mulhouse. Personally, I haven't visited the museums here yet but I visited the museums in Strasbourg. With the Carte Culture you can get at university, you have free access to several museums, to cinemas and to theatres in Mulhouse, Strasbourg, Colmar and other cities.

Any advice to give to future students in Mulhouse?

When you want to apply for CAF, do so as soon as possible!

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