Erasmus experiences Mykolo Romerio Universitetas
Experience in Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania by Ceyda
Generally, what is Mykolas Romeris University like? People who are working in university they are so kind and lecturers are so helpful in understanding about everything.What are the facilities like? When you graduate from university it will be helpful in future...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
When the Orgasmus comes
Before I start to be melodramatic I want to give a warning to those who are thin-skinned or believe that Erasmus is nothing more but sex, party and alcohol. Cover the eyes of your kids, turn around and go back beyond the perfect façade of your exemplary life. Because...
4 0 , 9 years ago -
Experience in Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania by Luana
Generally, what is Mykolas Romeris University like? Great! What are the facilities like? Great! Everything you could need is already there! What are the tutors like? Stimulating, caring and supportive Are the lessons easy in Mykolas Romeris University? Lessons are...
0 0 , 9 years ago -
Experience in Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania by Beatričė
Source Generally, what is Mykolas Romeris University like? I wouldn't recommend anyone U like to study there. What are the facilities like? Okay, renovated quite recently, big enough. What are the tutors like? Most of them are quite old and anti-innovative, also...
0 0 , 11 years ago