Erasmusu Staff
Written 14 years ago
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Montpellier 2011 / 2012!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Montpellier in 2011 / 2012 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Montpellier, etc. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Montpellier
- People who have been, are and will be in Montpellier
- A photo gallery of Montpellier
- Erasmus experiences in Montpellier
- The map and weather in Montpellier
- The Universities in Montpellier
If you're a student who's spent time in Montpellier in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Montpellier by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Montpellier win the number one spot!
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Renata Baborská
Written 13 years ago
Hi, I´m Renata. I study at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic and next termtime I´m going to study at SupDeCo University in Montpellier from September to June. I´m looking for other Erasmus students to share same city and possibly same appartment. I´d like to live in the city centre in a private flat and so I´m looking for somebody to share a month rent.
francesca bressaglia
Written 13 years ago
iei !!!! I'm Francesca I study architecture in Venice, Italy. Now I'm attending the first year of the master in sustainable architecture and I'm going to Montpellier next Septemper as erasmus student: I will stay there until February. I hope to find some nice mates to share experiences, parties and, off course, the rent :) Ciao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bea llobregat
Written 13 years ago
Bonjour! je suis Bea et j'étudie aussi architecture à Valencia, España. J'irai à Montpellier pendant tout l'année, de septembre à juin. J'ai connais une fille là-bas et elle m'a dit d'habiter au centre de ville. J'aimerais habiter dans un appartement au centre, mais je ne sais pas sûre...Nous nous verrons là!
Guy King
Written 13 years ago
Hello, I'll be coming to Montpellier in Sept to study French at Univ Montpellier 3 staying until Feb... so will be looking for a flatshare come Sept. I don't know the city at all but I guess somewhere central / close to the university. Somewhere nice and easy to hang / chill out and hopefully not too expensive! A bientôt :)
Adrian Clegg
Written 13 years ago
Hello, I will be coming to Montpellier in Septmeber 2011 to take part in a work placement as an estate agent for 6 months. I am currently trying to find somewhere to live in Montpellier, somewhere near the town centre hopefully.
Salvador Pérez
Written 13 years ago
Bonjour! je suis un étudiant de Sevilla (Espagne) qui va étudier à Montpellier 2 l'anée proxaine! je veux connaître des français et des erasmus! Je voudraix partager un colloc avec des autres étudiants!
Hola! My name is Salva, i'm 23 and i'm going to study at Montpellier 2 university next year! I'm looking for french people and/or erasmus for flatmates! I'm very sociable, respecful, I live already by my own and I love partying and meetting people!
Guy King
Written 13 years ago
Moi aussi j'aimerais bien connâitre des français pour améliorer mon niveau de la langue... et des gens me disent de faire une colocation c'est l'un de moyens le plus efficace. Mais j'ai aussi lu le logement là-bas, ça peut-être difficile de trouver même pour les français! En tout cas je crois tout va bien se passer.. après tout la situation, c'est pareil toutes les rentrées j'imagine!
cecilia alvarez
Written 13 years ago
hello!!!i"M cecilia,i"M from spain and i will study pharmacy in montpellier for 6 months,i see someone here who is going to study the same time (six months)
i prefer to live in a flat in the center (because i prefer to take a bus or train during the day to go to university and stay near house when i go out to have party,you know?) and i want to live with erasmus like me!!!is better i thing to meet new people and a lot!!!
i will like to live with 3, the same flat!all of us can speak more and thing to take probably some flat that posible???
you can find me in facebok if someone want to speak about our erasmus more...... my name in facebok :cecilia alvarez burgos
Written 13 years ago
Hola, un saludo desde Córdoba (Andalucía). Os invitamos a visitar esta ciudad y a mejorar vuestro nivel de español en nuestra escuela.
Margot Hardel
Written 13 years ago
Hello ! I'm an erasmus french student in Valencia right now but I'll be back in Montpellier in september and would love to share a flat with Erasmus students in the city center, which is one of the best place to live !
Sara Albe
Written 13 years ago
Is here any student of pharmacy? I need some information.
arthur pounou
Written 13 years ago
hello! i'm Arthur from milan, italy. i'll study medecine at montpellier from settember for 9 month. and i'll like to share a flat with some other student!!
Tanja Kessler
Written 13 years ago
Hi i'm Tanja, 23, and will be studying law in montpellier from mid-august to december. I'm still looking for a place to be. I would prefer to share a flat in the city center. Is anyone here who will be studying law in montpellier too?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Inma Fernández
Written 13 years ago
hey !I´m a student of economics at Barcelona, I will go to the Université de Montpellier I for one Erasmus (from September to June). The housing issue is complicated, don't know if a residence or an apartment. What you gonna do?
Monika Osieleniec
Written 13 years ago
Hi guys! I go to Montpellier to study Economics(September-January). I'm waiting for the answer from the university about the dormitory too. And I'm thinking about renting a flat if I don't get any place there. A bientot! :)
Inma Fernández
Written 13 years ago
Salut Monika! me too!! I study Economics (september-june). I send you my email and we can to speak! ok?? A Bientot!
Emilia Łukaszewska
Written 13 years ago
Hey :) I am international business student, now on my 3rd year, and from September 2011 I will be an Erasmus in Montpellier. I am looking for people to share flat with and make some friends before going there.
Emilija Milanov
Written 13 years ago
Hey guys, is there anyone who's gonna study Psychology?
I'm gonna study on Paul Valery University starting from September. :)
Inma Fernández
Written 13 years ago
someone going to do the intensive French 29 August to 3 September?