Experience in Budapesti Metropolitan Főiskola, Hungary by Regina
Generally, what is Budapesti Metropolitan Főiskola like?
If it was a human, it would be an open-minded, outgoing person who is interested at many things.
Basically, in the art departments, they find it very important to show the students what is trending in the art scene today, and they active help the students to find the right way based on their ability and personality, and never become disfunctional artists.
What are the facilities like?
Almost uniquely in Europe, students don't have to pay for paper, printmaking equipment, canvas, different kinds of paint, as they are given to the student for free. Also I have to note that I am a full time student, and you may have to ask the departmental coordinator if the same rules are applying for erasmus students.
What are the tutors like?
Open-minded, modern, not strict- therefore you need to be able to come up with your project and work on your own, the tutors mostly give critiques and advices on projects you've already begun.
Are the lessons easy in Budapesti Metropolitan Főiskola?
Yes, easy to pass (art and media departments).
Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?
Yes, the students frequently have exhibitions, we are also recommended to go to cultural events together. They are mostly not obligatory by the way.
Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?
There is a different way of teaching. The tutors won't mind if you do nothing, they won't beg to the students to work, but they will actively help the most talented and hard-working ones. I think it's really effective.
Are there any stories you can share?
My favorite thing about this school is that I can work on my own in the graphic workshop till late night -it's almost like my 2nd home:) They trust their students, and this means they have the knowledge and ability to work without the constant help of a tutor.
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Comments (1 comments)
Hey,firstly thanks for information sharing and your experience seems great! I want to ask you a question about Budapest. I am going to study there in 2017-2018, full semester. When does the first semester begins? or when did the first semester begin when you were there?