Erasmusu Staff
Written 10 years ago
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Marseille 2015 / 2016!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Marseille in 2015 / 2016 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Marseille, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:
- The accommodation in Marseille
- Other students that are looking for accommodation
- Students jobs in Marseille
- The general forum for Marseille
- The blog Erasmus Marseille
- What to see in Marseille, Erasmus party, where to eat
- Erasmus experiences in Marseille
- People who have been, are and will be in Marseille
- A photo gallery of Marseille
- The map and weather in Marseille
- The universities in Marseille
Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Marseille or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Marseille.
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Alan Jennings
Written 10 years ago
My name is Alan. I'm planning on doing a Masters at Kedge Business School in 2015/2016. I have already done my Erasmus at this school in 2011/2012 so I already know a lot about the school/area/accomodation etc. If you have any questions about the place feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer them.
Je m'appelle Alan. J'ai l'intention de faire un Master a Kedge Business School en 2015/2016. J'ai deja fait mon Erasmus a cette fac en 2011/2012 donc je connais bien la fac/cartier/hebergement etc. Si vous avez des questions n'hesitez pas a me demander et je vais faire mon mieux a repondre
Marta Gonzalo
Written 10 years ago
Hi Alan! I am going this year to Marseille to the Kedge Business School for five months, I have plenty of doubts about accomodation, public transport, and all that kind of stuff. If you could tell me something about it, I will really appreciate it! Thank you!
Francesca D'Acierno
Written 10 years ago
Hello :)
I'm Francesca, an Italian student of twenty years. I study foreign languages and cultures at the University of Salerno. In December, I will be in Marseille. My Erasmus will be five months. You can talk of the town and the university (Aix-Marseille / Univ-Provence).
I also try someone to share an apartment, and even make the trip together.
Alan Jennings
Written 10 years ago
I recieved confirmation of my Masters programme this week so I am definitely going to be in Marseille in September now!
Francesca, I do not know anything about that university other than it is located beside the train station! However, if you have any questions about the city I would be more than happy to help you! Marta sent me a message and I gave her so information so don't be shy!
Sabrina Beccaria
Written 9 years ago
Hi Alan! I'm italian and I am going in september to Marseille.My Erasmus will be five months.I study maths and i'm going at saint Charles university. I would like to know how can i find a place in a university residence?if you could tell me about public transport, fun, bad neighborhoods of the city, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Marseille, places for Erasmus parties .Thank you!
Alan Jennings
Written 9 years ago
Hey Sabrina!
I have sent you a PM because the site will not let me post a full comment here for some strange reason!
A-l Es
Written 9 years ago
hi guys,
I will be in Marseille from september and I will study in ECM, which is the best place to look for an accomodation?
Domi Chadimová
Written 9 years ago
Hello guys, :)
I´m student of the CZ. I should study l´AE (Business and administration) for 5 months, however I have problem with application form. Could I ask you for help? Could you tell me, where I can find the application form (my subject, which I should study)?
Thank you very much!
Alan Jennings
Written 9 years ago
Hey Krystelle!
There are a couple of options you could consider on campus. There are 2 different visiting student residences at Kedge. One is located just beside the main campus and the other is located just down the road on the secondary campus at Vaufreges.
Estudines is located just by the entrance to the main campus. It is much nicer than the other residence but it's also more expensive.
The other option is the Alotra residence which is located 2-3 bus stops away from the main campus. It's nowhere near as nice as Estudines but it is a little cheaper and it is where all of the Erasmus parties start.
If you have your heart set on sharing an appartment with others then you should check out the sites below:
Just be aware that depending on where you end up finding a appartment, you could be looking at 20+ minute bus journey every morning to get to class. Kedge is not located near the city centre.
If you've any other questions don't hesitate!
Alan Jennings
Written 9 years ago
When I mean it's located right next to the campus I really mean it. There's one building that is located about 10 feet from the entrance to the school and another where you have to climb a small hill to get to the entrance. The main 21 bus line is right at the bottom of this hill so there's no problem regarding the bus. I haven't a clue about the electricity. Usually most of the banks in France offer students free housing insurance if you sign up with them. I'm not sure about the Housing Tax but I'm pretty sure there aren't any other fees.
The other advantage of the Alotra residence is that you only have to pay for Housing Insurance. Everything like heat and electricity are inculed in your rent.
Mansenie Joseph
Written 9 years ago
hi i will be at kedge for 2 years and I am looking to get the Luminy campus with a roommate. I want to know if anyone has done it and since I dont live in France, how do i get all of the documents to them. Also, I am going for a long time, does anyone know a good company for moving accross continents?
Isabel Quiles
Written 9 years ago
I am Isabel, an Spanish girl and I am going to Marsella next year to study at KEDGE Business School.
The residence where I am going to be is ESTUDINES, LE REPUBLIQUE. Is there someone who is going to live there too?
beatriz pinillos
Written 9 years ago
I am a student of Spain and i am going to Marsella next year. I study international business, and i m going to spend 2 years there at KEDGE Business School.
I am also going to live in LES ESTUDINES, LE REPUBLIQUE Isabel, is someone else going to live there?
thank youuuuu
bc clk
Written 9 years ago
Hey guys!
I am an 21-year-old girl from the Netherlands and I am going to study in Marseille from January till May (I guess). I don't know anything about the area, accomodation or anything. It would be very nice if I could contact someone who is also going there to study at KEDGE business school or need a roommate..
Please contact me
Isabell Bones
Written 9 years ago
Hello =)
My Name is Isabell, I am 22 years old, coming from germany. At the moment I do my masters in biomedical engineering. I am planning to do an Erasmus Placement (internship) for the semester 15/16 at the CPPM in Marseille. Actually I want to be in marseille starting from the french-language course in the end of august.
I really would like to get in contact with you guys !
And I didnt plan aything concerning accomodation yet, so if you need a roommate to organise a shared flat or so on, then feel free to contact me =)
What about the bus from luminy to the city center, is there a good connection ? The fact that I have to work at CPPM in Luminy every day forces me into the direction of living at CROUS, or is it worth it to pay a higher rent and live in the city center ?
Is someone planning to live in a dormintory in Luminy ?
Alan Jennings
Written 9 years ago
Hello Isabell,
If you are going to be studying in Luminy then it would defintely be better to stay at CROUS in Luminy. The bus connection between the city and Luminy is quite good. The #21 bus will be your friend whilst there. There are plenty of buses but it can take up to 20 mins to get from the city centre to get to Luminy. Also France is famous for strikes so if the buses are not in service you will not have a way of getting to class that day. The CROUS residence is located right beside the university so you can hop out of bed and straight to class so in my opinion that would be much better than having to get up super early to catch the bus into class. The accomodation won't be great but you won't be paying that much for it so it evens out.
Ned Kingdon
Written 9 years ago
Hi everyone
I'm 20 years old and currently studying in Swansea. I am arriving in september and will be studying at ECM in marseille for a year. I'm planning on living in the city centre but I haven't found any accomodation yet.
any advice would be greatly appreciated :)
Jeffrey Bromet
Written 9 years ago
Hey, does someone know how long does housing applications take to me answered ? I'm studying at Kedge Business School. I guess my application was a little bit late, but if no places are offered to me at Alotra or Estudines, do you guys recommend some other place which is close, cool and that english is accepted (note I don't speak french at all),
Isabell Bones
Written 9 years ago
Thanks Alan for the detailed information !
I just arrived in Marseille, and I would like to get to know some people now =) Are some of you also already there ? And is there someone also living at luminy campus ?