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Experience in Mankon Bamenda, Cameroon by shu

What is it like to live in Mankon Bamenda? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

well mankon bamenda is the hart of northwest region. ya i will recomend to a person to visit it if the person have never visited. the city is very clean and many economic activities take place withen the day

What is the student lifestyle like in Mankon Bamenda?

students from all over africa and the world live an interactive live in bamenda

How much does it cost to live in Mankon Bamenda?

it can cost up to 100000frs/ month to live a student life in bamenda

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Mankon Bamenda? Is there any advice you can give?

no it is not difficult. its easy to get accomodations

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

africa have many varieties of food. we have achu, rice, plantain, beens, yams, etc

What places would you recommend visiting in Mankon Bamenda?

bamenda has one of the most beutifull touristics sites in cameroon. with lakes hills crafting centers, many of touristic sites in bamenda

Is it good to eat out in Mankon Bamenda? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

ya it is. my best sport is football

Is the nightlife good in Mankon Bamenda? Where is good to go?

go to the palace bafut palace etc

What advice would you give future students heading to Mankon Bamenda?

that Mankon Bamenda is no mands land its free life go and enjoy with other cultures

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