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Blogger. Writing Experiences as a student in Spain

  • Job vacancy: Blogger. Writing Experiences as a student in Spain
  • Number of vacancies: 1
  • Salary in €: 50.00 € Monthly


we are looking for english or americans students that are going to study in Spain. The idea is to have a student (woman, because we alredy have a man fron México, and we want to have 2 diferents profiles), who writes in our blog about her experience, in order to inform, help, and entertain other students in the same situation: how did you decide to come study to Spain, what did you do, burocratic procedurs, how did you found the house where you are going to live, what do you think about the spanish food.... It´s going t be like a diary, but it will be about  10 posts per month.

If you are interested, please answer and tell: how old are you, when are you going to arrive to Spain, or since when are you here, for how long, city where you are going to study in Madrid, where are you from.... Make us a little presentation.




11 years ago

Tags: flag-es Student Jobs Madrid, Madrid, Spain

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