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After school and wednesday childminding

  • Job vacancy: After school and wednesday childminding
  • Number of vacancies: 1
  • Salary in €: 10.00 € Hourly


We're looking for an English native speaker to look after Nina (9) and Oscar (6)  outside of school hours. Our flat is located near Massena tube station (Lycee du Parc area) and the school is in the 6th district 5-10 minutes walk away.

We're looking for someone for  4 evenings per week, from 5pm to 7pm approx, plus Wednesdays (all day or just afternoon depending on your availability), in total 70 to 90 hours per month. We are flexible to some extent, and looking for some who is too.

Looking forward hearing from you soon!


Jenny and Pierre

Contact by email or phone


8 years ago

Tags: flag-fr Student Jobs Lyon, Lyon, France

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