A collection officer job
- Job vacancy: A collection officer job
- Number of vacancies: 4
- Salary in €: 1000.00 € Monthly
Hi, I'm looking for someone in france who will be my collection officer while I'm away from France, this job is a part time job and you will only help me carry out jobs just 3 or 4 times in a month. I'm looking for good communication and preferably a student looking to for some part time job
Kindly send me a text on my mobile phone for more information about the job and I will reply you when I can
Please I got some offers and for some unknown reasons, some of my messages were not delivering successfully. I am very sorry If I did not get back to some of the offer and I will like you to send me a message on my email address which will be easier for me to mail constantly
Thank you for understanding
Are you looking for students to hire?
If you are looking for students to hire you can advertise it on Erasmusu.
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