habib afsar
Written 9 years ago
hey people... im visiting Lisbon (Fine Arts) as an exchange student from Lucern School of Design and Art (switzerland) starting mid sept to feb 2016.... am into all the cheesy touchy dorry stuff you can conjure.. i bracket it all under BEAUTY (which by the way includes the "dark") and hope to be exploring "expression".. have some ideas but no clues as to the hows.. a new city and culture will, i hope, shake me out of old habits...my thing is community art
If there is anything is my rather chaotic website that interests you get in touch (www.habibafsar.com)
My interests are broad.. i have a thing for people and human interaction... and i love to walk in nature, music, party and discussing multi-disciplinary ideas... performance, poetry and particpative works.. im not ashamed of crying when im touched emotionally (physically touched i respond differently!)
and ofcourse im looking for a place to stay.. and any tips on how to get away from lectures... rather do hands on stuff then attend classes for the sake of just that! (any tips are welcome)
am excited.. would love to hear from someone.. anyone???
Juan Soriano
Written 9 years ago
I love art but I dont know so much about it, if you could teach it would be a great experiences :)
fractal Gediminas
Written 9 years ago
Hi, I also studied in art school and find artists to be interesting people, would be nice to find friends in Lisbon :) Where are you going to study, what discipline?
habib afsar
Written 9 years ago
- Juan.. i love doing art with people... yes we do something together if u want
- Fractal my friend: i have no idea what im studying.. am thinking of taking a sculpture course for the semester.. and hope to develop a project having to do with the "public sphere".. or just let the city take me where it wants to.. i come quite open
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