Experiencing Limoges, France by hakima
How did you like living in Limoges? Do you recommend it? What is the city like?
It's a very small and quiet town.
How is the student atmosphere in Limoges?
There is usually a great atmosphere in each university (parties, clubs... )
How expensive is the life in Limoges?
You can find well-located affordable accommodation in the city centre.
Is it hard to find accommodation in Limoges? Do you have any advice?
It is better to look for private accommodation than on campus since it is normally quite small.
Which places do you recommend to visit in Limoges?
The Evechet garden is quite nice to have a picnic.
What about eating out in Limoges? What are your favorite places?
I like really much Kismet, the Indian place close to the prefecture, the dishes are delicious there.
What kind of advice would you give to the future Limoges Erasmus students?
People from Limoges are quite shy so do not hesitate to engage first with them.
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