Beatrice Duranti
Written 5 years ago
Hi! I am an Erasmus student from italy and I live in Limerick for a traineship in the centre of the city. I would like to meet other Erasmus guys in the city and go out and enjoy togheter
Written 4 years ago
Hola!! Soy Paula, estudiante de Diseño de Interiores de la Universidad LIT en Limerick y el curso 2020/2021 voy a estar de Erasmus en la Universidad de Limerick. Voy sola y me apetecería saber que hay algunos que están en la misma situación que yo. Espero noticias vuestras!!!! Un beso
Laura VDK
Written 3 years ago
Hi ! I'm Laura, I'm from Belgium. I would like to talk with other erasmus students who are going to Limerick in September ! Lots of questions...
Lucía Quesada
Written 3 years ago
Hi! I'm Lucía. I study journalism at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and I'm going to the University of Limerick the first semester, from September to December!!!!
Showing 1-4 of 4 entries