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  • Tour de ville

    In normally in the beginning of august or end of july there is a fair in which they decorate the whole city with figurines of many animals (both imaginary like dragons and beautiful sea creatures like sea horses etc), the city is lit. It is quite small so you can...

    0 , in What to see Lille, 3 years ago
  • Cobbers Night

    Let’s share together a festive time between French and Australians in order to provide a different and great memory of our ancesters that went through intense moments on that conflict land. Some Fleurbaix inhabitants helped by the Rotary Club of Armentières and the...

    0 , in What to do Lille, 5 years ago
  • Lille

    Lille, France. 19-21 of December 2014 Just as going to Sardinia's diverse cities compromises of discovering architecture, art and diverse cultures despite all still belonging to Italy; arriving to this city is a discovery that in France too, each city is unique and...

    0 , in What to do Lille, 8 years ago
  • Welsh restaurant

    Every time when people travel they want to taste new special food typical for the destination country (city). Before coming to France I did not even realize which food is typical there or if I would like it. But after few days I could honestly say that I fell in love...

    0 , in Where to eat Lille, 8 years ago

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