Erasmusu Staff
Written 14 years ago
Welcome to the forum for Liege 2010 / 2011!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Liege in 2010 / 2011 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Liege, etc. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Liege
- People who have been, are and will be in Liege
- A photo gallery of Liege
- Erasmus experiences in Liege
- The map and weather in Liege
- The Universities in Liege
If you're a student who's spent time in Liege in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Liege by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Liege win the number one spot!
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Michal Berski
Written 14 years ago
Hello guys
I\'m Michael and just like you I\'m gonna study in Liege
I know there is still a bit time till we be there but... - i for example would be interested in finding out if u know how will it be easy to find a KOT, a room with other erasmus of course :P
if u have any good ideas, peaces of advice to share with i would be grateful
ok to finish it... thanks for answers and hope to meet you in Liege
Laurie Lambert
Written 14 years ago
you can look on the website this is the organizacion of the HEC school, they help erasmus to find kot. They don't help only the erasmus of Hec but all the erasmus of Liège. Hope we will have fun here!!!
Rita Costa
Written 14 years ago
I'm going there too, if somenone could help me as well, it would be great. :)
Bridgetta Menton
Written 14 years ago
Hey.... im also going to Liege in September and do not know exactly where to look for accommodation but this is the information i do know.
The college offers accommodation on campus but it is only for six months and information is on the college website. There is a student complex in town called city living see but i was warned that this accomodation is not as nice as the website seems to suggest. Student accommodation in Liège generally comes in the form of what they call a kot. Here are some websites Hope this helps and if anyone has any other information it would be great.
Michael DeMatties
Written 14 years ago
Hey guys!!!
I will be studying at the HEC for the Fall and Winter Semester, and I am very excited!! I have been thinking about housing in Liege as well....Every time, I click on the Registration form on the ESNHEC website, I receive a server error. I have contacted them about it a few times, but have not got a response yet. You guys having any trouble trying to open that Registration form?
I was considering City Living until I read Bridgetta's post. Plus, they are at the minimum 400E a month, and that does not even include utilities, so its going to be like 475E a month!! Compared to other kots, that is a complete rip off. I could take two trips to Italy with the cash I save by living in another kot.. =)
Another site for looking up kots is There are a fair amount of Kot listings on this one. is probably the best though, because you do not need to sign up for it, if you want to contact someone.
I will make a few contacts and get some ideas for lodgings from these websites before I go. I am going to sign up to stay at Tilman off campus housing for two weeks, and find a permanent kot to live in while I stay in Tilman.
Laurie Lambert
Written 14 years ago
hey guys, just a thing : if you look for a kot on internet, just be careful for the adress. look on googlemap where is the kot because sometimes it's far from the center. hope you will find soon.
Rita Costa
Written 14 years ago
Michael, I will be in Sart Tilman as well. I guess we will meet there... ;)
Laurie Lambert
Written 14 years ago
hey guys I 've not understand if you want stay all the year in sart tilman or just to find your kot. but all the yearI don't think it s a good idee... There is NOTHING overthere, only the campus. and this is so far from the center.
Michal Berski
Written 14 years ago
hey :)
that's why i believe we must find sth in the centre so that we will be up to date with all parties ...and HEC of course :P Laurie maybe u as a Belgium person can tell us if for example we organise together wouldnt it be miles easier to find inexpensive KOT renting the whole flat?
i bet that there are enough people to do that and to cut costs ;)
Dear Michael and Victoria, as far as I am concerned it would be more convenient to find hostel for those searching days
best regards and hope to see u there soon
Michael DeMatties
Written 14 years ago
This link gives a good map to the divided districts of the city.
If I find a place that has a few rooms available, I will let you guys know.
It does kind of suck searching for places, because all I can really do is tell them I am interested in seeing their place, IF it is available in September because I will not arrive until then. That does not really give me any guarantees on the places. I figured, if I try to line up as many people as possible, one of the places would be available in September.
The ESNEC guys got back to me finally. It looks like their housing registration form is working now.
Mihal, a hostel may be more advantageous then Tilman for those searching days. I dont know whats going on for me yet, everything is up in the air still... Sorry for the confusion Rita =(
When are you guys coming into town? Any big time Travelers in the bunch?
Found another site to search for places on:
au revoir
Laure Timperman
Written 14 years ago
hello everyone,
I'm also going to the residence sart-tilman, (I'm from the other part of Belgium where the people speak dutch) so it's also an 'Erasmus' experience for me. All rooms of Erasmus students are together so it will be great fun over their. It's not that expensive and you don't have any worries with housekeepers or extra kosts.
Whatever you will decide, see you hopefully in september on the parties!!
xx laure
Laurie Lambert
Written 14 years ago
hey michal,
I am looking for a flat too :-) To find a kot (o flat), the best is to go en Liege during june and walk in the street : there are announcement on the door of the kot, so , you can see directly where are the kot (far or no from the center). I am finding with 3 girls but it s hard to find for 4 people. For 2 or 3 it s easier.
Michael DeMatties
Written 14 years ago
I will have to cross my fingers and hope for the best because I will not be arriving until September.
Michal Berski
Written 14 years ago
the same is with me Mike, I'm arriving on 9th September so it may be a bit difficult...
Laurie, can u please tell me if looking for a kot on kotaliege web-page is possible to find it only for 5 months or i should apply for 10 and then find an other room-mate for my flat? i dont know yet whether I stay till June or not...
to other guys r u maybe looking for other erasmus flat mates? :P if the answer is yes - please sign me in ;)
ps i hope that in september, when we all be there, we will see each other and go for at least 2 beers right? i mean i dont want to talk to u just here online :P
Rita Costa
Written 14 years ago
No problem! For me it's easier to stay in Sart Tilman because I will study in the Hospital, and the Hospital is also far from the city center. But, since I guess you all are going to study in HEC, renting a Kot is a much better option for you.
Eventually we will meet each other in some Erasmus party... ;)
Michael DeMatties
Written 14 years ago
For sure Rita and Mihal. We can have a Forum party!!
Michael DeMatties
Written 14 years ago
What classes are you guys planning on taking? I am kind of frustrated how the university keeps switching their course offerings.
andreea leau
Written 14 years ago
hy everyone. i'm also going in liege, this automn, for a semester. and i have some questions...first at all..i will study at ecole superieure d'art saint luc. i want to find some place where to live, not necessarily in the center. i like to walk. i saw that laurie said something about a campus. where is this campus and how i can apply for a room?
Laurie Lambert
Written 14 years ago
hi, st luc no is far from the center. this school is in the part called "outremeuse"so if you can find a kot in outremeuse it can be good for you. look for the kot on internet and when you find, look on the googlemap to see if this is far or not.