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Skydive Bovec

  - 1 opinions

The best place for skydiving in Slovenia... or possibly in the world!

Published by flag- Martha S — 6 years ago

Skydive Bovec is probably the most famous dropvzone in Slovenia. It only operates one week in summer, usually this is the first week of August. However, you can take panoramic flights there throughout the year.

The Bovec drop zone is situated in the valley, surrounded by the majestic mountains. Because of its breathtaking mountaneous scenery, the Bovec boogie (boogie is a bigger skydiving event) always attracts many visitors from all over Europe. In the last three years, there were so many skydivers attending the event, that there were two airplanes flying constantly troughout the day, and you could do as many as ten jumps per day!

When the plane is climbing to altitude, it passes over my ex – hometown at about two kilometers of height. The view is, of course, awesome.

Another good thing about this drop zone is the good weather. At least it was good so far. Therefore, people usually decide to take a week of vacation and stay in Bovec, where they can jump and also explore the awesome nature.


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