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exhibition hostess

  • Company name or name of the person in charge: mike lane
  • Job vacancy: exhibition hostess
  • Number of vacancies: 1
  • Salary in €: 100.00 € Daily


I am looking for a presentable hostess for a pet trade show in Kortijk February 16th and 17th -maybe some training on the 15th for an hour or so, Need to be able to speak English. I am involved in presenting a natural dog coat which relieves stress to shops that will attend the show from holland and belgium. The job will innolve showing customers the coat and how it works and letting them know how they can order it-the show is being organised by our distributor so there is no selling involved, just information. Expenses for lunch and drinks is also available.







11 years ago

Tags: flag-be Student Jobs Kortrijk, Kortrijk, Belgium

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