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Business introducers and female coordinators

  • Company name or name of the person in charge: [email protected]
  • Job vacancy: Business introducers and female coordinators
  • Number of vacancies: 4
  • Salary in $: 2500.00 $ Monthly

We are looking for business introducers and female coordinators for our operations in Ukraine in order to get closer to private clients and companies with a minimum investment of $ 1 million, for investments in private banking in Geneva (Switzerland), investments  miscellaneous, increased liquidity, life and property insurance.  This work is of high level and we ask to speak French imperatively, English is a plus.  Education is not an obstacle.  The work is free and at each signing of the finalized contract you receive 2500, - dollars until we set up our offices in Kiev.  Please contact us with a detailed CV and a motivation letter in French. 


4 years ago

Tags: flag-ua Student Jobs Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine

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