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Experience in Jaszbereny, Hungary by Eszter

Published by flag-hu Eszter Arnóczki — 10 years ago

0 Tags: flag-hu Erasmus experiences Jaszbereny, Jaszbereny, Hungary

What is it like to live in Jaszbereny? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

It's a town with a population of 27,000. It's really nice to live here, because it's quiet and friendly. The town is developing really quickly. There are some beautiful places and buildings, a zoo and a few entertainment facilities that could be attractive.

What is the student lifestyle like in Jaszbereny?

There is a University in Jászberény, but I don't think it could revive nightlife in the town ... unfortunately. There are just a few parties during a month(!).

How much does it cost to live in Jaszbereny?

It's cheap, believe me. I say it as a Hungarian(!) student(!). Worst financial combination.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Jaszbereny? Is there any advice you can give?

Yes it's easy, there are two student hostels and lot of webstites that offers apartments for rent.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

In any restaurants you can find traditional Hungarian dishes. I love them, and everyone would to I think. :) One of my favouites is Goulash and Chicken Paprikash!! Mmmmm! Oh and Gundel Pancake for dessert.

What places would you recommend visiting in Jaszbereny?

The symbol of this is city is a horn, you can find it in a museum in the citycentre. It's must seen, it's historical :) and the other kinda must seen spot is the Great Church, this is beautiful. And if you are in teh town at beggining of august, don't miss Csángó Festival! Lots of nations!

Is it good to eat out in Jaszbereny? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Yaaay, I have three favourite places, Arizona Steak House, Viktorio pizzeria and restaurant and the last one is Kehely. Love them!

Is the nightlife good in Jaszbereny? Where is good to go?

Sometimes it's good, sometimes not. There are pubs where you can have good time, f.e.: Lord Café, Corner pub or Insomnia café.

What advice would you give future students heading to Jaszbereny?

Don't forget you cannot buy alcohol after 10 pm in shops! So be prepared :D and the second advice is if you want to have party, then make it!

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